A day in the life of... a brand president | Global Franchise
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A day in the life of… a brand president


A day in the life of… a brand president

Lindsay Junk, president of boutique fitness franchise YogaSix, gives us a snapshot into her life

Work focus

Canadian-born Lindsay has worked her way up in the fitness industry to become one of franchising’s most influential leader.

What was your first ever job?
I was a ski instructor at Blackcomb Mountain in Whistler, British Columbia.

What were your career highlights leading up to now?
Teaching a bunch of four-year-olds into ski moguls! Kidding… I would say launching YogaSix, leading its expansion through the pandemic and now having 205 studios and being the largest provider of yoga in the world.

…and the low points? Temporarily closing all our studios during the pandemic and talking with franchisees about how to do it.

What do you love most about your role?
Getting to know our franchisees who are from all over the country. We have a great group of smart and passionate people and it’s a pleasure to help them launch their studios and see them succeed.

We have a great group of smart and passionate people and it’s a pleasure to help them launch their studios.

How did the 10-year-old you imagine your career panning out?
I was definitely going to be the first female to play in the NBA!

Can you define what success means to you?
Having a career that’s exciting and fun and mostly positive. I like to work hard, but it can’t be the same all the time. I also want to have time for my family and my own health. I truly feel like I’ve been lucky enough to achieve that with YogaSix and Xponential.

The hustle

Lindsay’s competitiveness drives her to success, along with her genuine love for her work.

I am from a small town in Canada called Squamish. I grew up very active and was always outside. My dad loved his job and was always excited and happy to go to work. That was my example of work, so I have been striving to be like my dad in every job I have ever had. I was a competitive kid and enjoyed racing and competing. I’ve gravitated to positions that measure success like a competition. Businesses with leaderboards!

My morning routine starts at around 6am. I make the kids breakfast and lunch, work out, take the kids to school and head into the office.

I like to work hard, but it can’t be the same all the time. I also want to have time for my family and my own health.

I feel lucky that I can always access my work. I do have an office, but if I’m at a kid’s event or on the road I can easily operate from my phone or laptop. I try to respond to issues quickly so things don’t pile up. At the end of every week, I put everything important into my calendar. This includes workouts, family events, work priorities and personal appointments. I try to stick to my calendar. Recently I have been learning to add in down time and rest.

Nothing keeps me awake at night! I’m always exhausted at the end of each day. I think a lot about the people aspect of what I am doing, and it bothers me when I don’t think people are happy. I know I cannot make everyone happy, but I always try.

I make my own health and wellbeing a priority. I’m lucky that I truly enjoy being active and it makes me happy to work out, so I rarely skip it. Lately I’ve been more focused on eating healthy and rest. I think this is a part of getting older.

I enjoy practicing yoga, but if I can’t get to a class I’m always practicing yoga in the way I act and approach things. Yoga is about balance and that has helped me tremendously with balancing my own life.

I do have an office, but if I’m at a kid’s event or on the road I can easily operate from my phone or laptop.

I have three very active teenagers who all play multiple sports. I love watching them compete. Most of my fun time comes from hanging out with my husband and the parents of kids on my kiddos’ team and cheering them on. We have gotten to go to some amazing places in the United States, watching baseball, volleyball, soccer and basketball. I still like to ski and make it a priority to go home to Canada once a year to hit the slopes.

My guilty pleasures are nothing really terrible… If no one is home, I would probably eat Nutella for dinner and watch the Hallmark channel and let our goldendoodle, Axel, up on the couch!

Get to know…

What makes Lindsay tick? Family, fitness and fun are high on her list of priorities.

What’s your greatest fear?
Being stuck in a car under water. I roll down my window when I drive over bridges just in case.

What’s your current state of mind?
I’m a pretty happy, positive person, so right now that’s how I am feeling. Optimistic.

Where would you most like to live/retire?
I have a weird dream of retiring to a vineyard where I could also raise puppies. I know these two dreams are an odd match!

Your favourite possession is…
This is going to sound very Yoga-esque, but nothing really. I am not that attached to things, although I love my new Y6 water bottle. It’s huge, and it’s helping me stay hydrated this year.

The quality you most admire in yourself is…
That I genuinely like most people, and I tend to find a way to see things from other people’s perspectives.

I appreciate people who are all in and excited about what they are doing, even if it’s something I don’t understand.

What do you value most in others?
Curiosity and passion. I like it when people ask questions and want to learn new things. I also appreciate people who are all in and excited about what they are doing, even if it’s something I don’t understand or am not interested in. It’s cool to see someone fired up.

Which talent would you most like to possess?
My kids and husband can all either sing or dance really well and I wish I could dance or sing. If I had to perform at a talent show I would have to dribble a basketball or recite my times tables really fast.

If you could eat one food/meal before you die it would be…
Stuffed crust pizza

The film you can watch over and over is…
I actually don’t like watching the same show or movie more than once. That said, I have been forced to watch Money Ball a few times and always like it. Same with Rudy.

Your favourite yoga asana is…

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