The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia | Global Franchise
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The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia

The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia

Report by: Global Franchise Team
The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia
The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia

Global Franchise Asia

The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia

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Global Franchise Asia

The Top Fitness Franchises in Southeast Asia

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Report summary

Anyone involved in global franchising will tell you that a franchise that has proven successful in Maryland won’t necessarily succeed in Malaysia. Food franchisors found out early that tastes can vary widely, and while a concept itself may be welcomed at an overseas destination, some changes are often necessary to the menu if the brand is to have a long-term future in the area.

You may reason that fitness centers will be exempt from this rule; what can be so different about body toning? It’s true that the adjustments in this field may not be as radical as those you may make in other sectors, but as ever be aware of cultural difference. Where people may prefer to exercise on their own back home, there are parts of Asia where the group is the important unit.

An increasing number of Western franchises are successfully tailoring their concepts to local demand and the future of franchising fitness in the East looks strong indeed. In this report, we round up the gold medal-worthy fitness and gym franchises which are currently succeeding in Southeast Asia and catch up with Bill Edwards, CEO of Edwards Global Services, about why brands should seriously consider expanding there.

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