Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam? | Global Franchise
Global Franchise
Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam?

Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam?

Report by: Global Franchise Team
Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam?
Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam?

Global Franchise Asia

Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam?

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Global Franchise Asia

Is Now the Time to Franchise in Vietnam?

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Report summary

Vietnam is relatively new to franchising, and while major U.S. brands are already established in the country, it’s fair to say that franchising is still in a developmental stage.

With this in mind, it’s essential that you take informed advice before you expand into a market which may be nascent and growing slowly, but which may reward those with a long-term view. For this report – the third in our online Asia series – we turn to expert in the field, Nguyen Phi Van, who’s the Chairwoman of Retail & Franchise Asia and the author of Go Global: An MSME Guide to Global Franchising.

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