Global Franchise: Middle East Focus | Global Franchise
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Global Franchise: Middle East Focus

Global Franchise: Middle East Focus

Report by: Kieran M
Global Franchise: Middle East Focus
Global Franchise: Middle East Focus

Global Franchise Special

Global Franchise: Middle East Focus

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Global Franchise Special

Global Franchise: Middle East Focus

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Report summary

Welcome to our very first edition of the Global Franchise: Middle East Special. For such a diverse and active franchising market, we thought it was high time that we covered the essentials of Middle Eastern franchising as part of this dedicated magazine.

No stone has been left unturned in this inaugural instalment: we take a look at the impact of the brand-new Saudi Franchise Law, and examine the viability of the Saudi Arabian market at large. We also dive deep on Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel – with each country explored by industry insiders and domestic experts.

For successful Middle Eastern concepts looking to branch out, this issue also contains some essential guidance on transposing your operation from the Middle East to Europe. As international experts will know, each and every market has its own nuances – here’s how to harness them for global expansion.

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Kieran M

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