Global Franchise: Issue 41 | Global Franchise
Global Franchise
Global Franchise: Issue 41

Global Franchise: Issue 41

Report by: Kieran M
Global Franchise: Issue 41
Global Franchise: Issue 41

Global Franchise Magazine

Global Franchise: Issue 41

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Global Franchise Magazine

Global Franchise: Issue 41

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Report summary

In this issue of Global Franchise, we explore the Middle Eastern franchise market, and identify three leading regions that franchisors simply can’t afford to miss out on. We also take a look at The PRO Act, and speak to industry insiders about whether this is truly the franchising boogeyman that it’s currently being portrayed as.

Elsewhere, we deliver a comprehensive report on the food and beverage industry, and all the big changes that 2021 has presented. This timeless sector has seen some true ups and downs as of late, but with the foundation now set, 2022 could be the biggest year for QSR brands yet.

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Kieran M

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