Global Franchise: Issue 42 | Global Franchise
Global Franchise
Global Franchise: Issue 42

Global Franchise: Issue 42

Report by: Kieran M
Global Franchise: Issue 42
Global Franchise: Issue 42

Global Franchise Magazine

Global Franchise: Issue 42

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Global Franchise Magazine

Global Franchise: Issue 42

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Report summary

Leadership is arguably one of the most evergreen, vital skills that we can possess. Particularly when it comes to running a business; you can have all the capital in the world, a plethora of hardworking partners, and the perfect location for your store.

But without the right mentality and skillset to steer the ship, even seasoned entrepreneurs can run afoul of unforeseen challenges and roadblocks. Sometimes, being a great leader means understanding the wants and needs of your network, and being able to deliver on those when required.

Other times, it can mean training those within your team to become leaders themselves; empowering individuals to eventually take over the legacy that you’ve built with a brand.

In this issue of Global Franchise, we’re celebrating all things leadership. We’ve put together a comprehensive 2022 preview to prepare even the savviest business leaders for the roads ahead. You can never be too prepared, so make sure to check out our nine tips from franchise experts around the world to ensure that you start the new year off on the right foot.

We also speak with three franchise leaders as part of our home services special, to get a clear view of what it takes to persevere in this enduring franchise segment. And to hear an alternative perspective, we speak with NBA All-Star James Worthy, to learn about the lessons in leadership he acquired throughout his professional basketball career.

To see leadership in action, make sure to check out our list of 20 of this year’s top franchise leaders. There have been some truly exemplary cases of franchise ship-steering this year, so it only feels right to recognize those that have been at the helm.

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Kieran M

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