Global Franchise: Issue 40 | Global Franchise
Global Franchise
Global Franchise: Issue 40

Global Franchise: Issue 40

Report by: Kieran M
Global Franchise: Issue 40
Global Franchise: Issue 40

Global Franchise Magazine

Global Franchise: Issue 40

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Global Franchise Magazine

Global Franchise: Issue 40

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Report summary

In this issue of Global Franchise, we take a trip across Europe and explore three of the leading franchise markets from this expansive continent. Through interviews with domestic experts, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the nuances and strategies that are crucial to understanding European franchise expansion.

We also dive into the incredibly nascent industry of virtual reality franchising, and learn more about the viability of VR brands. Whether you’re a complete technophobe or a savvy digital entrepreneur, it seems that this space could soon have a little something for everyone.

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Kieran M

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