Business Women: Issue 6 | Global Franchise
Global Franchise
Business Women: Issue 6

Business Women: Issue 6

Report by: Kieran M
Business Women: Issue 6
Business Women: Issue 6

Business Woman Magazine

Business Women: Issue 6

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Business Woman Magazine

Business Women: Issue 6

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Report summary

Welcome to Issue 6 of Business Woman!

In the latest issue of the magazine, we investigate 20 franchise brands that are well-attuned to the needs of working women, and are able to adapt to them. Many of these brands can boast several women in leadership roles as awarding many franchises to women.

On page 40, Gifty Enwright provides some much-needed advice to working mothers, and how to avoid the guilt that can sometimes come with pursuing a career.

On page 48, Amanda Peters speaks with nine exemplary business leaders and garners some useful advice on how to prevent burnout and manage the inevitable stress that comes from building and running a successful business.

Throughout the magazine, there are numerous interviews with successful female business leaders, insight, advice and franchise opportunities!

meet the author

Kieran M

When effective, family ties at work inspire loyalty and trust. But when things go wrong, the result can cause dysfunctional, stressful and unprofessional relationships that don’t add any value to the business.

- Angie Coates

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