The Global Franchise Awards were initiated and are managed by the dedicated team behind Global Franchise magazine. Their mission is to honour the brands that demonstrate exceptional dedication to advancing the global franchising industry

Global Franchise aims to recognize excellence within the field of international franchising, and we do this using four values:

  1. Has truly global intentions. Whether or not this franchise is established in many countries at the moment is not the point - we want to see whether this franchise plans to go global, in a sustainable, ethical way.
  2. A great relationship between franchisor and franchisee. Regardless of whether a brand is global, what underpins any good franchise business is the level of communication between franchisor and franchisee. The support systems not to be impeccable, especially during the coronavirus crisis.
  3. Will have an innovative marketing and promotions plan. We want to hear about what your promotions plan for 2024 looked like. Tell us about your promotions online and in print, and provide details of your social media channels.
  4. Has advanced the cause of international franchising. From exhibiting at shows, joining organizations and giving speeches at events, we want to know about your company's extracurricular activities in this sector.

For our supplier categories, such as the Best Franchise Law Firm, our judging panel will be using the following criteria when reviewing entrants:

  • Has a suitable service offering and the results to back it up. We want to see a supplier that is adequately equipped to assist its clients, and has experience and examples that showcase the effectiveness of its work.
  • Works tirelessly for its clients. We want to see a supplier that puts its client's needs at the forefront of all operations, and goes above and beyond in marketing, promoting, or solving problems for its clients.
  • Promotes ethical franchising. We want to see a supplier that lives and breathes best practice, and ensures that ethics and morals are adhered to at all times. This can be through educational offerings, client success stories, or other associated examples.
  • Has clear plans for the future. We want to see a supplier that is future-proofed and has a firm understanding of what the months and years ahead will bring; if not specifically, then it is at least aware of trends that will impact its clients and market.

As part of our early bird discount, entry into the Global Franchise Awards 2024 costs $395 until July 31st, 2025. After this date, the price is $475 per entry. This cost covers your category entry, and automatically enters you into a regional category, too

Entries close at 5pm (GMT) on November 22, 2024

You will receive your invoice 14 days after the closing date

The winners will be announced on the 10th February, 2025 at an awards ceremony to be held at the IFA Annual Convention in Las Vegas, and live on our website on 11th February, 2025

Have any other questions about the awards?
Get in touch by emailing